LG CHAPTER V & VI...after Chapters on Mystery, People of God, Hierarchical Constitution, Laity. The following are pertinent excerpts from Lumen Gentium relating directly to religious.
Chapter V...all called to holiness through grace in Church (despite checkered history at times)
#39...holiness in Ecclesia and Ecclesia...indefectabiliter sancta
...not primarily moral perfection but doxa and agape
...Christ ALONE is holy as divine and as human
...each person’s holiness shares in THE ONE holiness of PX through Spirit in Church
...direct ethical consequence of call to holiness is effect in daily life by fruits of Spirit
#40...holy in Lord’s call (Mt 5:48); in Spirit in PX-ns; in share of divine nature; in life of virtue
...PX-n holiness not merely same as asceticism or human moral effort (but sanctification)
...fullness of PX-n life is perfection of charity (grace not necessarily given equally to all)
#41..multiple and diverse means in responding to call to be formed in the ONE holiness (of PX)
...inward, deep prompting/guidance of Spirit PLUS listening & obeying in daily life
...various walks of life--bishops, priests, deacons, laity called to role(s) in apostolate(s)
...and spouses, widows, single PLUS poor, infirm, oppressed
#42...charity as bond of perfection and fullness of the law & fruit of loving operation of grace
...certain “extraordinary” gifts such as martyrdom & “virginity” (likened to martyrdom)
NOTE during the summer of 1965, the original chapter V of LG was divided into chapter V (Holiness) and chapter VI (Religious). Original chapter V was separated at the comment on the state of virginity. Because of this, the order of the counsels appears as chastity-poverty-obedience in Ch VI instead of in the traditional order of poverty-chastity-obedience. LG was promulgated in NOV 1964 and Perfectae Caritatis was promulgated DEC 1965. Official Council records (the Acta Synodalia) show that the order of chastity-poverty-obedience in PC occurred because 441 Council Fathers asked that the order used in PC be the same as that used in Ch VI of LG. Many others preferred retaining the traditional order of poverty-chastity-obedience which was in all previous drafts of PC. The Acta Synodalia notes that separation of the original Ch V of LG at the comment on virginity was merely a convenient transition from Ch V (holiness) to Ch VI (religious). LG does speak of the preeminence of chastity among the evangelical counsels, but the Acta Synodalia makes clear that the order of chastity-poverty-obedience which eventually appeared in PC was not because LG VI had proposed a new theological foundation for the vows.
Chapter VI...religious indispensable/integral to Church; not part of hierarchical structure
...way of life not justified by works/apostolates
...truly intelligible only in terms of mystery of redemption
...connection of personal sanctification to ecclesial role is NOT well addressed
#43...abundance of forms & expressions & communities as gift to Church
...each individual (through life/work in community) contributes to redemptive mission
#44...bind self to observe counsels motivated by love of God, & expressed in service to neighbor
...objective consecration/sanctification AND assignment to service [similar to LG Ch III]
...nature of bonds (firm-stable) effects consecration [notes Medieval notion of vows]
...attests to transcendence, is sign of salvation & is permanent presence in Church
#45...question of “exemption” re: religious and relationship to pastoral authority of bishop
#46...value of “counsels” seen collectively and individually as witness even to unbelievers
#47...religious life when “well-lived” reflects PX as fountain and wellspring of all holiness
Prepared by Sister Elizabeth McDonough, OP, JCD, STL