ECCLESIAE SANCTAE II, 1966, norms for religious; general chapters primarily responsible (#1); all members consulted & cooperate (##2,4); renewal chapter within 3 years, possibly 2 sessions in 1 year (#3) to approve experiments until ordinary chapter. Restrictions on experimentation: if contrary to universal law, need Vatican approval (#6). Between chapters, general council has faculty to approve experiments; revised constitutions to contain (a) evangelical/theological principles of religious life in Church according to spirit and aims of founder/foundress plus (b) juridical norms to define character, aims and means to accomplish purpose of institute (#12); spiritual & juridical norms to be blended for solid foundation & authentic expression of spirit (#13); outdated items (or purely local application) excluded from primary texts (#14).
ES II reaffirms PC on return to Gospel plus a theological, historical, canonical examination of religious life with genuine understanding of original spirit free from accretions of alien or obsolete elements (#16). Specified that "obsolete" did not refer to the nature and purpose of the institute, but to whatever had lost its meaning or was no longer of genuine assistance (#17). Reaffirmed need for members to have effective roles and urged that exercise of authority be more efficacious by lessening recourse to higher superiors (#18). Renewal continually fostered to be eventually efficacious (#19).
Specifics for changes introduced by PC. Divine Office strongly recommended to share more intimately in Church's liturgical life (#20). Mental prayer to be a priority over other forms (#22). New forms of penance encouraged (#22). New means to promote spirit & practice of evangelical poverty for institutes and individual members (##23 and 24). A certain flexibility mandated in expressions of common life: free time and recreation available in addition to customary spiritual exercises and apostolic activities (#26). Formation tailored to specific character of each institute (#33) and should continue formally after initial profession (#35). Formation to include practical as well as theoretical aspects (#36) while carefully maintaining the proper character of each institute as such (#37). Specific circumstances noted warranting suppression or joining of existing institutes, namely, small number of members and lack of new candidates and advanced age (##40 & 41). Reaffirmed necessity for freedom of choice, individual consultation and overriding charity in suppression or consolidation (#41).
Prepared by Sister Elizabeth McDonough, OP, JCD, STL